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xGraptoveria 'Jadeita'
x Sedeveria 'Letizia' (Hybrid)
Aloe aristata - (Lace Aloe) - Small pot Succulent
Aloe Oik Hybrid - Succulent
Aloe Hybrid - cv Pepe - Succulent
Aloe castilloneae Hybrid
Ceropegia woodii - String of Hearts (Cutting)
Crassula arborescens cv (Money plant)
Crassula cv 'Stretto'
Crassula marginata 'Variegata' -Succulent
Echeveria (cv)
Kalanchoe pinnata (Miracle Leaf Plant)
Kalanchoe daigremontiana (Mother of thousands) rooted in a pot
Living Stone (Lithop) mixed
Pachyphytum oviferum (Moonstone)
Rhipsalis burchellii (Mistletoe Cactus) (Rooted pot plant)
Sanseveria 'Fernwood' (Snake Plant)
Sedum hintonii
Sedum morganianum Burros Tails ' - cutting
Sedum morganianum Burros Tails