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The 'F' word !

Sue Barnes

As all growers of tender plants will know when you hear the news and they mention the 'F' word you PANIC!

So you do not know what the 'F' word means well it means be on high altert it's going to be FROSTY !

A disaster for tender plants such as many Cacti and Succulents.

The Key is to DRY them out - YES DRY them out. Resist, Resist watering after September. The odd spray of water is okay for some.

If you don't resist the plants are likely to get too damp and rot, even very large plants.

So wrap up your greenhouse, many use Bubble wrap, fleeze even newspapers to trap in some heat. As we all know electric, gas is expensive.

So what do I do ! I have electric heaters on a digital thermostat. This way each greenhouse can be set at different temperatures to save MONEY.

But because I PANIC if the electric goes off I back up Parrafin heaters, which are cheap to run but to be fair a bit of apian, smell, and give off damp heat so not the best for Cacti.

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